Thoughts and pictures of my local minor league baseball team the New York Penn League Connecticut Tigers; a Detriot farm team. We'll still be looking at former Navigators/Defenders players along the way....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I just got this wierd feeling he'll be back....

somehow, someway, sometime.


Blogger thehondohurricane said...

Me too and in left field....EME.

3:15 AM

Blogger lance aka lc said...

In retrospect it looks like someone in San Fransisco ate the brown acid.

3:42 AM

Blogger greg8370 said...

yes, and two doses at that...

And the spin will somwhow put the blame on Mac

12:50 PM

Blogger lance aka lc said...

Machamer is a class act....he'd always give you a tip of the cap.

7:53 PM

Blogger Michelle28 said...

I actually hope he won't be back. He first kicks Von Schell and Cordillo outta wack for playing, cause Von Schell plays 1B only, and cordillo plays a few positions, which kicks out other players at 2b and of. Its all Ishikawa's fault. LMAO

1:50 PM


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