Cowart to TI....
this did result in a pickoff.
Just back from Dodd. Put in my '09 ticket order and bought Justin Hedrick's pink uniform (size 48) from the '08 season's Cancer Awareness Day. Pretty happy to get that uniform as I was outbid the past two seasons on the pink jerseys since I'm with my Mom on Mother's Day and I'm unable to raise my bid from Saturday when the auction begins. Check out the Defender's website for additional details about the pink jerseys.
No pocket skeds yet but did pick up a schedule sheet with game times. Basically the same times as last season with 6:35 PM kicking off night games and 1:05 Sunday start times. I've said it before but there's a big difference to the good side about starting at 6:35 instead of 7:05. Thanks for keeping it! Same is true for the Sunday time of 1:05 over 2:05.
There is a 12:05 on Wednesday April 22. Camp dates on May 21, June 4 and July 13 begin at 10:35.
Kind of wished for a 1:05 start on Saturday April 18th and another day game on Tuesday April 21 along with a few more day games sprinkled in during the summer. From August 1st to the close of the regular season on Monday Sept 7th (a night game for fireworks I suspect) there are 22 games that accounts for 31% of the home schedule.
Happy Holidays to everyone I didn't see today at Dodd!
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