Thoughts and pictures of my local minor league baseball team the New York Penn League Connecticut Tigers; a Detriot farm team. We'll still be looking at former Navigators/Defenders players along the way....

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dave Maroul.....

Also the New London Day reports the Defs are behind in rent payments to Norwich but both sides state things will be worked out soon.
Hondo was first to report here that Kyle Haines (Phillies) and Ben Copeland (A's) have been picked up in Rule V draft action today with the Double AA draft just starting.


Blogger thehondohurricane said...

More of the same garbage. Reading between the lines, the team hasn't paid any rent in 2008. On the other hand, the city never renovated the bathrooms, who knows if the lights are up-to-speed, and the stadium is beginning to look like a dump. Am I the only one thinking us fans are in the middle of a high stakes game of chicken between Louie and the city?

9:32 AM

Blogger greg8370 said...

Circle Sept 30th on your new 2009 calendar as the deadline Lou has to announce if he's pulling out of Norwich.

10:19 AM


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