FisherCats/Defs suspended after 5 innings...
with a 0-0 tie. Game to resume May 16th. I had to work tonight--can't believe they got that far along in the game, as I work a half hour from Dodd and it was pouring where I was.
Steve Denker has to be going nuts as the FisherCats starter struck out 10 Defenders (7 of them in a row) out of a possible 15 outs. Brett Pill has the only hit for CT. Pill has been hands down the best hitter on the team.
Brook McNiven went all 5 innings and gave up just three hits.
Misc fan notes: I see Sharlon Schoop and AR are back in the lineup off the "taxi squad."
Hey Greg,
Were you sitting behind home plate for first part of Saturday's ballgame? Slightly to the 3rd base side? Since I've never met you, I'm just guessing. Just wanted to come up and say hello, shake your hand, and say thanks. If that was you, I'll know for next time. Thanks.
Felmy must be on the extended roster now.
10:35 PM
Maybe, if I'm there by myself, like Saturday and Sunday, I move around alot taking pictures.
I shoot with a black Canon Rebel and have usually have a tan Defs cap on and carry an old Navigators duffel bag.
If I'm rooted in one spot it's behind home Section 16.
God only knows what up with the roster now.....
11:03 PM
Again, the Def website almost has it right. Fisher Cat pitcher, Castro, did have 10 K's for the night, but eight, not seven, were in a row. After Pill led off the 2nd with a single, he struck out the next eight batter;s he faced. I was in Lou's Lounge, so it was hard to tell if Castro was that good, or if I suspect, the Def hitting is not good.
Luckily for the Def's, they don't have to announce the crowd tonight. It couldn't have been more the 100 to 200.
3:42 AM
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