Thoughts and pictures of my local minor league baseball team the New York Penn League Connecticut Tigers; a Detriot farm team. We'll still be looking at former Navigators/Defenders players along the way....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rainout in NB tonight with a DH....

to be schedule at a later date.
The "mid-term" grades drew some attention over the last day or so. A lot of B grades were handed out. And while Connecticut is a first place team, baseball is a game, for the most part, that focuses on individual stats and efforts.
If you ask me who is getting promoted from this team this season, I'd think it would be Madison Bumgarner straight to SF (I don't agree with that) and it wouldn't surprise me to see Tim Alderson follow him (also don't agree there). I really would hate to see that happen from a CT Defender fan point of view as the starting rotation is pretty good.

Ben Synder and Henry Sosa to Fresno I can see. So far the team hasn't really promoted anyone-- Adam Witter came back and Tyler Graham ended up in SJ.

EME to Fresno? No, but if it happens I can think of a couple of CT fans who might sneak a bottle of champagne into Dodd.
I actually like this team with the exception of the bullpen, which is the weak link. I'd like a spark in the outfield. If they continue to play well on the road and manage to get to .500 at Dodd...


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