Based on this picture taken by Rob Heyl of the New Britain Herald during yesterday's game:
1.) Defs are wearing those camouflage uniforms straight thru the Akron series.
2.) The the vast majority of the announced crowd of 3100 plus in New Britain must be sitting someplace else.
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12:38 PM
I was at the game. I wouldn't say there were 3000+ in the crowd, but certainly more than that picture would indicate. There were plenty of Defenders fans in the crowd and the Defenders tipped their caps to show their appreciation before heading back into the dugout.
On a side note, it was nice to see some classy New Britain fans congratulating us on our way out.
12:39 PM
Maybe the "gate counter" yesterday was the present Def guy who was auditioning for the job next year in NB!
I hate those Camo uni's.
2:38 PM
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